Jeffrey’s next Qi Gong class starts Wednesday, April 23rd. Class runs every Wednesday evening from 6 to 7 pm from April 23rd through to May 28th, 2014. While this is a six week class feel free to drop in when you can and don’t worry if you can’t make all of the classes. The main focus of the class is to get you practicing regularly so just come when you can! If you haven’t already done so please register online so that we have an idea of the number of people coming. You can register by clicking here Instructor: Jeffrey Chand, RAc., Dipl.TCM Date: Wednesday evenings 6 to 7 pm (April 23 to May 28) Location: Knox Presbyterian Church, 2964 Richmond Rd, Victoria, BC Course Fee: $60 for all six classes (or $12 drop-in) Payment can be made by cash or cheque at the class. Stay in touch Feel free to ‘like’ our Facebook page or subscribe to our newsletter to get updates, info and inspiration. I look forward to seeing you all soon and thank you for helping build a great “Communi-Qi!” -Jeffrey Chand...