Scalp acupuncture can stimulate damaged areas of brain Scalp acupuncture is a relatively modern application of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It incorporates the concepts of neuroanatomy and brain function. Tiny needles are inserted along the scalp over the affected area of the brain to improve corresponding motor and sensory functions. For example, if a person is experiencing post-stroke weakness in their right foot, then treatment would be applied to the area of the scalp overlying the foot motor-sensory area of the brain. In this case, the left side would be treated as it affects the right side of the body. This technique is most often used in the treatment of post-stroke paralysis, MS, Parkinson’s or serious head injuries. Scalp acupuncture can also be used for improvement of anxiety, depression and developmental disorders. Scalp acupuncture is gentle as the needles are very thin and inserted at a shallow depth. It has a positive affect on brain function while inducing a state of calm and relaxation. It is one of the most relaxing forms of therapeutic acupuncture. Needles are left in for approximately 15-30 minutes with intermittent stimulation while the person is resting. Effects can sometimes be noticed within twenty minutes of treatment. Most patients report feeling calm and relaxed afterwards. Scalp acupuncture is most effective when applied 2-3 times per week. Kristina Chand-Hanson, BHSc,...