TCM Tongue Diagnosis Many people are surprised when asked to show their tongue during an acupuncture treatment so I thought I’d shed some light on it. The tongue is an incredibly important diagnostic tool in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The color, coating, shape and texture of the tongue reflect the state of your health. The color of your tongue can change daily and will tell a lot about what’s going on inside your body. The sensitive tissue of the tongue reacts to changes in digestion, pH, circulation and immune function. Here’s what your tongue is telling you… Color A healthy tongue will be pink or light red with a thin white coat on the surface. If there is excess heat in the body due to fever, inflammation or infection the tongue will be a bright red color. A purple tongue shows poor circulation and blood stagnation. A pale or white tongue can indicate low energy, fatigue and a weak immune system. The different zones of the tongue reflect different areas of the body. For example, the tip of the tongue reflects the health of the heart. A bright red tip can indicate a ‘restless heart’ causing insomnia. The mid-section of the tongue reflects the digestive system and a greasy coat here can indicate poor digestion. The sides of the tongue reflect the health of the liver. Bright red sides with no coating can indicate stagnation in the liver and high levels of stress. Coating Many people brush their tongue when brushing their teeth but it’s best to avoid brushing your tongue for 24 hours before your appointment. Your practitioner will...